Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy in New Car Seat

We've been in New Orleans for a few days now. We're here with a group of about 95 people, mostly high schoolers. Zane is having the best time ever with all his high school friends! He has people to play with all day and has an audience to laugh at all his weird quirks and gestures. He moved into his "big boy" car seat a few days before we got here and he loves it. I think he likes facing forward and feels like one of the big kids. :) Here is a video of us driving from the airport to our hotel in a van full of people...Zane couldn't be happier.

I also put some pictures on of him on one of the first few times in his new seat. The only downfall is that now he can see us up front and so he feels like he's missing out on fun and we're leaving him out sometimes.

1 comment:

lil' mama said...

He is such a big kid! I bet he (and you both) LOVE all the attention from the older kids!