Thursday, April 12, 2012

Smith is 6 Months Old

Our sweet little man is 6 months old!! He had his checkup today and he weighs 19 pounds (75th %tile), and is in the 99th %tile for height. He's healthy and soooo happy.
He laughs and smiles all day long. He's been eating baby rice and oatmeal and has tried some fruits and veggies. So far so good on that. He sits up now, rolls both way, and is grabbing like a maniac. He is obsessed with his brother and sister and enjoys watching them so much. He wants to be part of everything we are doing all the time. He's just the best ever.

He kept getting trapped on his tummy because he couldn't get that one arm out of the way. He woke up several times a night stuck. Thank goodness he's pretty much figured that one out.
Here are a bunch of videos of Smith...

Smith is starting to grab and try to get everything in front of him. Everytime he sees someone on a computer or especially the ipad, he gets completely sucked in. Zane was letting him help him out this day but didn't like his little hands on there for long.

They had been doing this for a while...Smith was just laughing at Zane scaring him. Notice the happy sucking in sound - my favorite! I also love watching Zane being such a fun brother in this video. He is so good with Smith and adores him so much.

I took this video to show how Smith finds his hands. I love how he just notices them and then his hands entertain him and make him happy.

I love this video of peek-a-boo. I love how his expression instantly changes from happy when I'm there to worried and sad when I'm gone. I also love how he gets a little startled each time.

This guy thinks just about everything that Emmy does is hilarious!

Smith sitting up on his own for one of the first times, with a big stain on his shirt from the new sweet potatoes we tried that day!

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