Sunday, June 21, 2009

Swimming Fanatic

This little dude LOVES to swim. There's really nothing left to say about that!

Our first day this summer at our pool...

He wasn't sure how to use the tube, so he walked around with it on his feet.
Here are some more pictures of him playing on our front porch with his friend Abhi.
He was getting splashed.

Then the trash truck came and they both stopped playing to watch every move the trash man made. They were sucked in for sure.
As you can see, Zane still likes putting things from one place to the next and then back again. At the beginning of the video, Zane is singing "London Bridges Falling Down." Also, Abhi kept tapping him and they both laughed at it for a while, then Zane started ignoring her for a while but she kept cracking up every time she touched him. Pretty cute.

1 comment:

Lori Arnold said...

I think his love of swimming must have started at our house last summer!! What do you think!? :-)